In the present world, people have been moving on to credit card payments because of their advantages and conveniences with payments. However, it is always necessary to look out for the safety concerns associated with credit cards. This is due to the reason that this modern, technological world has two facets. Though it is super fast and convenient in its digital era, it is also dangerous with scams, hacks, fraudulent activities and so on. The credit card is no exception in such cases too. Therefore, it makes it compulsory to know the measures for preventing yourself from credit card fraud. Let's check the possible ways to avoid such scenarios and become well-secured with that.
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Preventing the fraudulent activities
There are certain ways you can prevent credit card fraud. Though these steps might sound simple, they are powerful too.
Login credentials
Keep your login information confidential and never and ever share it with anyone even though they are your family members or close friends. The login credentials include your credit card pins, mobile application passwords or even the net banking password.
Setting strong passwords
It is a crucial step in preventing credit card fraud. It is very common that credit card numbers are stored online with the apps, so it is vital to have a secure and strong password for your apps and pins. It is advisable to use complex password patterns using combinations of upper and lower cases, alphabets and symbols. The more complex it is, the more secure it will be!
Knowing the phishing and scamming
Most of the time, phishing and scammers might use some tricks and tactics and ask you for the personal card details like card number, its CVV and the expiry dates. It might happen over a phone call or SMS or even via emails. You may find them familiar but know that they are not real ones but the fake ones with duplicate profiles. So, it is much needed not to share any details to those scamming and phishing triggers.
Setting a payment limit
While using credit cards, there will be an option called payment limit. By default, it would have been set as the maximum amount available on the card. Here's what you can do to keep your money safe even though your card is hacked or used for unauthorized transactions. You can change the default transaction limit and set a minimal value of how much you might need for a day. However, you can change this limit anytime you want. So, it will prevent credit card fraud because the limit is of lesser value and you won't be losing your entire money. Once you know that your card has been scammed or phishing is done, you can report it to your bank for further action.
Track your transactions
It is better to get hold of your transactions to know if there are any unauthorized payments done with your card. It will not only reveal that your card was misused but it also shows how long and how much your card has been misused. This will also help you to be aware of the fraudulent activities and you can report it immediately and further stop the transactions.
These are some of the easiest, yet powerful tactics you can follow to keep your credit card safe and secure from the fraud and in the meantime, you can prevent such fraudulent activities too.
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